From the Framer's Table

I would like to welcome you to my blog for Cornerstone Custom Picture Framing and Gallery. As a framer and gallery owner I get to see such interesting artwork everyday, and would love this chance to share some of it with you. Also, I hope this will bring awareness to the art and craft of the framing process itself and give you ideas of how to frame your own special artwork and memorabilia.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Skinniest Pictures I have ever Framed

I have been custom picture framing for 13 years and paintings this long and skinny have never crossed my path! I wanted to share them with you because I thought they were so unique! They are about 7 inches in height by 60 inches long. The couple that brought them in had been on a trip to Africa where they had bought them very inexpensively. The artists there are very poor and often paint on "bedsheets" or thin cotton with a coat of white paint as a primer. By the time these paintings leave the country they are often cracked and very fragile.

These are the paintings before I stretched them over wooden stretcher bars. I am glad my tetanus shot is up to date because there was rust everywhere from old nails, and dust and dirt right from Africa all over my worktable!

These are the finished pieces framed in a brown "float" frame. (click to enlarge) Float frames refer to when the stretched canvas piece is inset in a special frame with a gap left all the way around to create a shadow effect.It is a nice minimalistic framing style and very popular these days as people move towards more simple streamlined looks for home decor.

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