From the Framer's Table

I would like to welcome you to my blog for Cornerstone Custom Picture Framing and Gallery. As a framer and gallery owner I get to see such interesting artwork everyday, and would love this chance to share some of it with you. Also, I hope this will bring awareness to the art and craft of the framing process itself and give you ideas of how to frame your own special artwork and memorabilia.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dig out those Diplomas!

Quite often certificates,diplomas and medals look nice with combinations of black, navy, or burgundy matting with gold or silver accents. Although there are really no rules, these combinations create a classic elegant look that will never go out of style. So dig out those diplomas and certificates that are probably still rolled up under your bed (i'm right aren't i?) and dust off the medal from that marathon you trained so hard for, and treat yourself to a beautiful custom frame. Styles can range from the most simple to very extravagant, and there really is something for every budget.

1 comment:

  1. The framing of study certificates are very nice. All designs are unique and attractive. really nice work!!

    frames for photos
